Monday, April 10, 2006

Once you start there's no going back

Yesterday afternoon Henry decided he wanted to explore the garden. He wanted to literally get into the garden and play in the dirt. Maya often walks through the garden in order to get to her flower/herb bed which most times lays dead but Henry watches her and up till now we've never allowed him to go up there. Yesterday while trying to climb over the rocks that form the garden border he had a revelation. He thought if he got his shoes we may somehow let him get in there. He ran inside and got his shoes from the shoebox and came outside and placed them in the garden and then came to get Ben and I and led us by our hands over to where he'd placed his shoes then said "shoe on". Because he was so damn cute we put his shoes on him and allowed him to go into the garden. We went with him of course. Our garden is really just a sloping weed bed but the kids think it's great. Up we went to Maya's specially boxed in weed bed. Anyone would think we'd just handed him a the biggest lollypop ever made. He walked up and down, kicked the dirt, pulled some weeds, sat on the edge and said "ah relax" and had a major fit when we decided it was time to come down because the mosquitoes were eating us alive.

This morning the first thing he did after waking up was get his shoes, bring them to Ben and pull Ben to the door saying "go garden". Once you start something you've got to be prepared to keep it up because they just don't forget.

1 comment:

Libby said...

You never know, with that cute little bottom and a fascination with the garden, Henry may just end up as Australia's next Jamie Drurie ;-) Or he may just drive the 'twuck' that delivers the turf...