Thursday, August 24, 2006

Maya and her cousing Mitch about to freeze their little toes off in the water

The Bogey Hole. This is a huge big square pool cut out by prisoners around 1819 to make a private swimming hole for the then Governor. This place is a little scary and it would take a brave person to venture in there as the surf still pounds against the rocks there turning the pool into a swirling, raging spa. Some people hold onto the rusted iron pins that were used for fencing as the waves come in and hit them full force, washing them back into the pool.

My brother and his fiance. Great pub overlooking the coastline.

Maya and I had 6 days in Newcastle. Orginally we were all going to go. We managed to get some fantastic flight deals - $22 each way - but Ben could not take time off work and after I had paid and booked I realised Henry would have turned two just before we fly which means he was no longer free. The tickets had then gone up to $140 dollars so we made the decision to leave him home with Ben and my mother. All things were going fine until Ben called me Sunday to tell me Henry had started throwing up. Taking care of a kid who is throwing up everywhere on your own is no easy task and I felt bad I wasn't here to help. Mum and Henry picked us up from the airport on Tuesday and by then he had diarrhea but worse than that he wouldn't talk to me. Must have been punishing me for going away and leaving him.

I must admit it was relaxing just hanging out at the beach, doing a little touring and sitting watching Foxtel all day. What a life! I could easily pack up my bags right now and go live there.

1 comment:

Carla said...

gosh - lucky you love ben and henry huh? sounds like it would have been easy never to return ;)