Friday, June 29, 2007

It doesn't matter how old they are....

My children, despite their age gap, love to argue. Henry is only willing to allow Maya near him under his own terms and conditions. This morning as Maya got out of bed and came upstairs to where Henry was watching TV the following conversation ensured. I listened from the kitchen not game to interrupt.

H: No, no Sissy, don't take his blanket

M: But it's my blanket (it actually was)

H: No. It's not yours, it's mines.

M: No it's not, it's mine. Go and get your own Bob the Builder Blanket.

H: (pointing his finger) Sissy, you're being very naughty and if you don't stop it you'll have to go to the naughty corner

M: So's still my blanket.

I came out with Henry's blanket and draped it over Sissy and told Henry he could have the one she had. That of course just started the whole thing up again. They all only want what the other one has.

One would think that a 14 year old and a 2 year old would love each other to bits. And they do. It's just that they can't stand each other.

1 comment:

Churlita said...

I thought that only happened with my girls because they were the same sex and only sixteen months apart. Apparently, it doesn't matter.