Friday, February 29, 2008

Brown Sugar, how come you taste so good

Carla, whose job it is to stamp out childhood obesity, is going to be horrified by my very public disclosure. I have discovered a way to get Henry to eat his vegetables. It's so simple that I broke down and wept for all the times I've worried about the fact that he may become constipated and get scurvy or something from a vitamin deficiency. The secret is simply brown sugar. Tonight I cooked him up some beef strips and threw in some vegetables as I always do in the hope that he's reconsidered his hatred for them since yesterday. Since I was making the rest of us the best stir fry ever and using a bucketload of brown sugar in it, I thought I'd just sprinkle a little of it over Henry's beef and vege, along with a splash of beef stock. He devoured that with rice like he'd never eaten before in his life.

So now his teeth may rot and the sugar may turn into fat but at least he won't be vitamin deficient and I won't have to scream at him like a fishwife every evening because Mary Poppins was right. A little bit of sugar does help the medicine go down and make mother extremely happy.


Shaz said...

quit worrying - sugar is a natural substance! In fact, as sugarcane grows in the ground, it can be classified as vegetable, so you are just increasing his vegie serves. And you may as well increase his fruit and dairy intake at the same time, so I would suggest vegetables dipped in chocolate!! :)

Churlita said...

Hey, whatever works. That's what I always say.