Sunday, February 03, 2008

When Stashing the Trash leaves a sweet taste

It's been a busy weekend. We haven't stopped much to take a breath. While Maya was at her first guitar lesson for the year Henry, Ben and I spent some time at the park. Since he's that much bigger and has developed a sense of balance he does really well on the playground equipment. He seems less like a suicidal kamikaze pilot and more like a child who has realised there are no safety nets to catch him when he falls.

I've been trying to get rid of junk and clutter around here and as there is a council kerbside clean up on the horizon there was no better time than this weekend to pile the footpath high with unwanted bits and pieces. Then we just wait for the endless trail of utes and trucks that will come by, go through it and spread it around like vegemite on toast before the council eventually collects what's left.

We had some friends over for drinks last night and I learned many things about them that I hadn't known before. Amazing how loose the tongue becomes after a few drinks. They left around 11PM so I was tired when I was woken at 5.30AM by Henry who had been asleep already for twelve hours by that point. I lay down with him this afternoon to read him some stories and we both fell asleep - me for an hour, him for three.

I'm feeling very pleased to have got rid of so much useless junk from my house. It almost feels as though I cleaned out a few cobwebs from the brain as well.

1 comment:

Churlita said...

I need to clean a bunch of crap out of my house as well.