Friday, February 22, 2008

Off to places other than here.

Today we're off to visit my brother in a town in another state. A town that has some of the world's most beautiful beaches. This will be Henry's first plane ride and he is so "accideted". I told him the pilot will tell him to sit down if he gets up and wanders around too often on the plane. He got worried that the pilot was going to come to our house and fly him away in Thunderbird 2.

He's not too sure what to expect and neither am I. If his behaviour on the plane is anything like it's been this morning I might resort to raiding the liquor bar.


Meegan @ The Harvey Circus said...

Oh, how cool!
I bet he won't be able to stop talking about the plane trip for weeks!

Good luck :)

Churlita said...

That is exciting. I'd love to go on a plane to a place that has amazing beaches.