Saturday, September 20, 2008

Bug Me

Yesterday Henry and I gardened for a few hours. He was very helpful and pulled the weeds that were growing between the pavers. He was happily doing this and chatting away the whole time about bugs and trees when suddenly I heard an almightly shriek come from him...not just once but twice. I immediately threw down the clippers I had in my hand and ran to him. By the time I got to him he had rivers of tears streaming down his cheeks and a look of fright like I'd never seen before. He was holding his pinky finger out to me and in between heaving sobs tried to tell me what happened. I checked his outstretched finger for signs of snake or spider bite but could find nothing. Maya and her friend stuck their heads out of the window to see what the commotion was about and apparently they could tell straight away that nothing much had happened so laughed heartily at Henry's distress further fuelling the sobbing. I held him tight until he had calmed down enough to tell me what was wrong. It turns out a bug had landed on his little fnger.

He looked up at me with red rimmed eyes and said "Mum, a bug just came and landed on my finger and it had a really big body and wings and two legs. I thought it was going to eat me". I of course assured him that it was probably unlikely to happen and when he felt satisfied he turned and went straight back to his weeding singing merrily about helping with the garden.

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