Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The difference is all in the milk.....and trucks

Henry has his appetite back! I'm not sure whether or not his change back to his usual bright and hungry self has anything to do with the change from cows milk to soy but he has certainly improved. This morning before 9am he had eaten some mice pupples (rice bubbles), a banana, toast with vegemite, creamed rice and half a sausage. He's had a cup of soy milk and a glass of juice to top it off. Not even I can do that. His behaviour has improved too. He's happy, doesn't whine and I can even leave the room now. But that is not the most exciting news of the day. This morning the postman delivered this Twuck Book all the way from Grandpa Richard in America.

It's moments like these that I wish his grandparents could be here. It's hard to describe the excitement he exudes when he opens these parcels and sees something new and related to trucks. He stops breathing just for a few seconds and then lets out a big "woooowowow". He just stares at it and examines the cover before daring to open it and check out the inside. When he does open it he doesn't know where to look first. He quickly scans through all the pages and then comes back to do it more slowly. The whole time his eyes are darting back and forth over the pictures in case he misses something. He then carries that new book around for about three or four days and will hit anyone who comes within three metres of him with it across the legs and force them to read it to him.

Thank you Grandpa Richard. This one is sure to be read to death, literally. His others have all gone to the book hospital several times and are still hanging in there. Ben downloaded some truck images from the internet and now Henry and I have to sit at the computer up to ten times a day to look at them. He comes to me and pulls me towards the computer and says "bobcat". If I don't respond within a few minutes he just tries to get up to the desk himself and hope he can navigate his way to the folder they're kept in.

I also wanted to share some other photos with you. Our student, Anna, from Japan has prepared us a few delicious Japanese style meals. Now we love our food and so we've been very happy to try some authentic style Japanese food. The other night she made sushi the way the Japanese would eat it. She said at home they wouldn't eat it as a roll. They serve it with the rice, avocado, ginger, cucumber and nori in a bowl and extra nori if someone prefers to roll it up and eat it that way. She also made some delicious Japanese style potatoes which were cooked in a beef flavoured buillon. I've got to say it was really very tasty and fresh. The Japanese have such a healthy diet.

1 comment:

Claire said...

It is fabulous. I wish to go to Japan just so I can eat there all day everyday.