Sunday, March 26, 2006

Planned Parenting......

Today I graduated from over protective mother to give-a-little mother. I allowed Maya to go to the city with her friend without adult supervision. Apparently I am way out of touch with what other mothers allow their children to do and I should be getting a little more hip and with it. I do allow her certain freedoms and I trust her implicitly, she's usually very sensible. This little outing didn't happen without hours of discussion and deliberation. I lectured her until she was bored stiff and sent her off with the usual last words. "Be home in two hours or I call the police even if you're one minute late". I worried just a little but her friend is a sensible girl too so I didn't think there was much the two of them would get up to. Besides I have managed to plant the fear of God into Maya about what kinds of things other people are capable of. She probably believes all other humans are evil-doers. Maya rang me three times while she was gone to let me know all her movements etc. I am so proud of her. I feel like I've grown up just a little bit.

1 comment:

Carla said...

LOL Michelle - she'll probably not ask to go out again for ages if she thinks she has to listen to a lecture like that every time!! But what a good girl for calling you - she must know how much you worry about her.