Friday, February 08, 2008

Little Treasures

We spent the morning at Carla's house today. Owen, Charlotte and Henry played beautifully together but I believe poor Carla may have been slightly frazzled after we left.


Churlita said...

I'm sure she was a little overwhelmed. That's a lot of boy energy.

Carla said...

oh the kids were fine! when we were all there... it was when everyone left that charli threw an overtired fit and screamed herself to (a forced) sleep.... she was much happier - as was I when she awoke. I had a great morning - much more fun than spending it on your own with 2 kids.. I say 4 kids and 3 adults...much better ratio!! :)

Shaz said...

OMG!! That's my (old) house!! God, I miss the kitchen and back deck!