Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Henry likes to Help

And this is cute. The first three times. He wants to "beep beep" - press the buttons on the microwave, slam the door shut and then try to open it again before it's finished zapping whatever is in there. He wants to help get the "mulk" (milk) out of the fridge and put it back. This usually results in it being poured all over the floor. He wants to help sweep the floor by grabbing the broom and swinging it around the house and knocking everything over and hitting me in the head with it. He wants to help put the "toot" (toilet) paper on the roll, pull a few dozen sheets off in the process, blow his nose and stuff it all in the toilet. He wants to help hang the clean washing by throwing it all on the ground and standing on it. He wants to help hose the plants but all that gets hosed is me and the inside of the house. It's been years since Maya's wanted to help and I guess I just forgot how unhelpful the helpful stage can be.


Carla said...

gosh - I just can't wait!! Will have to post about our latest escapades - black eyes from attempting to stand with no help from mummy!! *sigh* and I'm contemplating another one??? Hope Henry stops helping soon!! ha ha ha

Claire said...

You've got a lot to look forward to. Black eyes being the least of it. I guess if you have another one now you get all the hard stuff over and done with in one hit. If you're brave enough that is.