Friday, February 24, 2006


Yesterday when I collected Henry from daycare (after a day of feeling guilty for leaving him there in the first place) they told me that a couple of children had gone home that day with an attack of the vomits. I hoped the bug would avoid Henry but no such luck. Approximately half an hour after we arrived home he projectile vomited all over me...twice. He then proceeded to throw up every hour until he fell asleep around 8.30pm in my lap on the chair. We went to bed with him in bed beside us and three thousand towels spread over the bed in case it hit again which it did around 11.30pm missing all the towels. So far this morning he's only thrown up once and had it coming from both ends. He seems to have got a second wind now but who knows how long it will last. Isn't daycare great! Maya went to the doctor and the doctor said her pains might be low grade appendicitis. Perfect timing! I have to go to Sydney tomorrow for the weekend. Poor Ben will be left alone with a house full of sick children. I only hope the rest of us don't get it.


Libby said...

I do not envy you. I cannot cope with vomit, particularly someone elses (even if it is my own child's).

I hope Maya doesn't get the gastro. That would be just pure misery!

Carla said...

i can relate - charli girl has projectile vomited twice in the last 24 hours - both times all over me. i nearly spewed last night when she did it...... ewwww. hope they both recover soon...

Claire said...

The vomit doesn't worry me. The cleaning up does. Changing bed sheets in the middle of the night isn't much fun. He's in bed and seems to be over the worst of it. I hope it lasts. I hope poor little Charlotte is going to be ok.