Friday, February 17, 2006

Turning Left

As I was waiting to turn left at 5.30pm directly into some heavy flowing peak hour traffic I had a flashback to a promise I made myself when I was about 19 and living in Airlie Beach... in a shack... right on the beach. Back then I promised myself that I would never live in a place that had heavy flowing peak hour traffic. Nor would I watch a city fall asleep at night. I promised myself to only ever enjoy wine while watching the bush fall asleep so I could enjoy the changing colours of the evening sky and listen to the evening insects without having to listen to or see the speeding traffic ferrying people from their nine to five existences. Obviously time and responsibility erased that memory from my mind until this afternoon. I don't enjoy living in the city. I never really have.


Libby said...

I guess we all need to take that 'left turn' in life sometimes. But it always seems to come back on track eventually. For me... I'm just not going to hold my breath!

Claire said...

I'm feeling the same way. Holding my breath just stops me from doesn't actually change anything!

Libby said...

It sounds like we all need some time out. The planets are playing tricks on everyone's mood at the moment.

Chin up!