Thursday, February 02, 2006

Daycare, daycare, daycare.

Henry had his first day without Mum or Dad at day care yesterday. He didn't cry when we left as he was far too interested in pushing all the other kids off the climbing frame so he could get to the things he wanted. He just thinks they should be his and his alone. Apparently the day went without a hitch. They managed to get him to have a sleep for 2 and a half hours. They sleep them all on mats on the floor. Henry always goes to sleep in his cot at home so I give them full credit for getting him to lie down long enough to fall asleep. Ben was a nervous wreck all day thinking about him being there, catching diseases and spending time with strangers. I was driving all over Brisbane with mum, in and out of shopping centres visiting with clients.
When I pulled into the carpark of the daycare centre today, Henry started reciting all the names of the other kids in his group - Angus, Riley, Ruby, Amber. I knew he would be ok then. We got to the gate and off he ran, found some boy who had brought a toy car from home and proceeded to fight him for it. The daycare girls had to confiscate it. Those day care people need to be paid much more money. They assure me Henry's behaviour is perfectly normal and that they all at some time or another will have fights and arguments and dont' like to share. I just have to hope he doesn't turn into some mean spirited bully.


Carla said...

oh michelle - i am sooo glad to hear that things went well - gives me hope for putting my little one into care one or two days a week...... sleeping on a mat - now I AM impressed

Libby said...

Sounds like he fits right in.

Claire said...

He is a little trooper. He had a big smile for us at the end of the day yesterday but still wanted to stay and play.

Carla said...

i got one day of childcare starting next week!!! I'm excited... MIL doesn't know yet...

Claire said...

Hey, congrats on the daycare. Hope the MIL takes it well. Use the socialisation rationale.