Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Style Cut! What is a style cut???

This morning I went to the supermarket to buy a few things at a new shopping venue that has recently opened near us. There is a new chain store brand of hair dressing salon there also. After reading the sign on the outside that said "Short hair cut, shampoo and blowdry $20" I went in to enquire about getting my hair cut. I mentioned the sign out front and she said "Well how much did you want cut off?". I looked at her dumbfounded because I have very short hair. How much could I get cut off? I told her I just wanted it trimmed and tidied up. She said "That will be $45". I asked her how that is possible when the sign out the front specifically said $20. She replied that I would be getting a style cut and that costs more. I didn't realise before today that there was any thing other than a style cut. I mean people don't go into the hair dressers to get a bowl put on their head and have the hairdresser just cut around it. I could get Ben to do that for me. I walked away and went to the post office to do what I had to do there and laughed about my experience with the lovely lady who works there. She very kindly pulled out a voucher book and handed me a voucher for the salon. The voucher says "haircut, shampoo and blow dry, $20". It doesn't say anywhere on there that it must specifically be a "style cut". Armed with this new voucher I went back to the salon and asked if I could use the voucher I was now in possession of. She told me I would have to pay an extra $25 on top of the voucher for the style cut . I pointed out to her that it doesn't specifiy anywhere on the voucher that I must have a style cut or indeed what the difference between a cut and a style cut is. She tut tutted me and rolled her eyes and mutttered something under her breath and booked me in for Saturday.

Now I believe I was within my rights to bring this to her attention but obviously not many people do. We just accept whatever it is we are told. They hand out vouchers and post misleading signs but then get upset when people question them. No one likes to cause trouble so no one ever says anything. Get em in and then charge em more seems to be how business does business these days.


Libby said...

You are game! I bet you're black-listed now. I hope they do a good job. I'm nervous for you.

Libby said...

I just want to clarify that I think you are game for using their services. Good on you for questioning their advertising techniques. I'm all for that! Best of luck.

Claire said...

I guess I am game. We'll wait and see what happens. Maybe I'll have it shaved or something or she'll "accidentally" cut some huge chunk out of it.