Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Sydney and back...

I had a very tiring and fleeting visit to Sydney this last weekend. It wasn't for pleasure but for work. I flew out at 6am Saturday and flew back in at 7.30pm Sunday. In between times I worked, ate a fantastic steak at the Waterfront Grill at Darling Harbour for dinner Saturday night and then worked again Sunday before jumping back on the plane to come home.

Henry was still under the weather on Friday but had stopped vomitting. He was still sleeping when I snuck out of the house at 5am on Saturday morning. Ben said he woke up saying my name and walking from room to room looking for me and knocking on doors hoping I was maybe taking a shower and would be out soon. His vomitting was replaced by diarrhea and he was slightly cranky most of the weekend. Each time I called, poor Ben sounded as though he might like to just lock himself in the bathroom for a few hours where no one could find him. He seemed to cope remarkably well and even managed to cook a delicious roast lamb dinner as a welcome home meal. After the over priced cafeteria food at the exhibition hall in Sydney a home cooked roast lamb was very welcome. Henry hasn't let me out of his sight ever since he woke up and discovered I was home yesterday morning. It's flattering but also a pain in the neck. Privacy in the bathroom is non existent.

It's rained here ever since I arrived home and I love it. It's cool and comfortable and quiet. Maya is home because she believes she is coming down with Henry's bug (no sign of any real illness yet though! I've told her I'll never believe her again when she tells me she feels sick) Henry is sleeping and I'm going to make the most of the quiet time in the house and try to catch up on some sleep myself.

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