Wednesday, April 25, 2007

All I want to do is shop

Henry came home from Charlotte's birthday party with a handmade Dora backpack which he now uses as his shopping bag. Up until then he was using one of my old handbags. He'd take it into the pantry and fill it with assorted things and get his wallet (filled with play money) head over to his play cash register and we'd have to "shop".

He still does this each and everyday and usually only minutes after he wakes up in the morning. He now gets the purple Dora backpack and fills it with assorted things from the pantry and tells me, while I'm still half asleep and trying to finish my cup of tea, that we need to shop right be because we've run out of milk.

He's very particular about the process that must be followed. He must fill the backpack, take it to the cash register and stack it in a particular fashion (if I mess with the stacking I get an earful)and then I must ring it up and say exactly how much each item is. If I neglect to say the amount he quickly tells me that I forgot to say it was twenty cents.

I am not allowed to put the shopping back in the pantry while he is still awake. It must stay in his bag or stacked up beside the cash register. His wallet must remain at all times in his bag and his "credit cards" must remain at all times in the cash register drawer.

After we've finished shopping we must always read a book about trucks because that's how all shopping trips the world over come to an end.


Churlita said...

I know I read books about trucks after I go shopping...Either that, or I'm in the fetal position sucking my thumb.

Meegan @ The Harvey Circus said...

Now if only he could really help you do proper fill-the-pantry-very-boring grocery shopping... That would be good...