Sunday, April 22, 2007

Party! Party!

Yesterday Henry attended Charli's second birthday party. He'd been excited about it for days and thought that he may also be lucky enough to receive a whole pile of presents just for attending (and he did).

Carla did a fantastic job. Firstly she was brave enough even to have a party for a two year old. Then she set about organising a Dora The Explorer themed party. She had handmade Dora backpacks filled with an assortment of things, one of which was a map for the kids to follow to get to the Dora Pinata outside. There was a river to cross and a quicksand cave to make it through before they could pull Dora's pinata strings to release a torrent of lollies and whistles. It was so cute to watch the faces of all those two year olds as they tried to comprehend what had just happened.

Henry thoroughly enjoyed himself and came home exhausted. Thank you Carla and Charli for a wonderful day. Don't expect us to be having a party any time soon though. Henry's got to be old enough to organise it himself and pay for it before he'll be allowed to party hard at home.

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