Friday, January 30, 2009

Fighting the evil aliens

I'm afraid my son watches far too much TV. Right now he's a bit hooked on Ben 10 and Transformers neither of which are particularly bad in small doses. Henry has consumed so much of them though that he spends much of his day "transforming" (lying flat on his stomach on the floor, making machinery type noises and then jumping up ready to fight the enemy)or turning into a Ben 10 Alien all set to fight evil forces everywhere.

This behaviour is kind of cute and by no means is his evil fighting attitude terribly aggressive, it's just that I would like him to widen his interests a little so today I took him off to the library. All was well in the reading world until he discovered the rack of DVDs which housed a Ben 10 movie which could be borrowed free of charge. He jumped up and said "right, I've read enough books and got this so let's go". I quickly dived back into the stack of books to find something amusing enough to hold his attention without success. He had his Ben 10 movie and he wasn't budging on his decision to go home and watch it. "Besides", he reasoned, "there's just too many screaming kids in here". I quickly grabbed a handful of other, non Ben 10 DVDs from the shelf and we made our way to the checkout. Henry grabbed Ben 10 as soon as it came off the scanner and hugged it to his chest. We left and he was only briefly distracted by the playground outside the library. Even there he said "mum, it's too noisy here, let's go home".

So here we are, home again and Ben 10 Alien Force has been immediately placed in the DVD player with Henry almost glued to it, his face contorting appropriately to the fine display of heroism shown by Ben 10.

1 comment:

Churlita said...

Well, at least you can get something done around the house if you want.