Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How lucky am I?

Only 30 degrees (86F) here today in the Sunshine State but 45.6c (114.08F) in Adelaide, South Australia.

I wonder how many elderly people, who lock themselves in their homes because they're frightened to let the outside in, babies and obese people suffered today. I'm sure the numbers are high. Even those who are in peak physical health would have been suffering in that.

The humidity here has been exceptionally high for weeks but we've not once reached 40 degrees. All I can say right now is thank God I'm here and not there.


Churlita said...

It's so hard to imagine what it's like to be hot today. All we have is snow and old here.

Shaz said...

The heat here is bearable, unlike Brisbane where you feel like an ingredient in a red wine casserole. Got to 45 degrees here as well, usually we have Adelaide's weather two days later. Currently 5am and 31 degrees and climbing.