Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Australia Day

And what does one usually do to celebrate this day? Well most people are attending back yard BBQ's, eating lamb or prawns or going to the beach to fill their bathers with sand (it's a tradition). Some are even stealing every Australian flag that has been hung from all official buildings across the country.

What did I do to celebrate Australia Day? I spent it in the emergency department of the local hospital hooked up to IV anti-biotics. Hopefully I'm on the road to recovery now but time will tell. I thought I would have been better by now but the high temps hadn't subsided, nor had the aches and pains. I made a quick call to my doctor friend and she suggested I go to the ED and get IV anti-biotics and a full blood work up so that's what I did.

Now I'm home and I've got a lot to do before the week starts and Henry starts his new pre-school tomorrow and I HAVE to go to work as I have so much to do before the first week of Feb when I have to spend a week up in the far north for work.

Ho hum. Life is never dull but sometimes I wish that the ABC TV would display it's coloured out-of-broadcast image along with some background chamber music for an entire 48 hours. Then I would know that it was ok to just shrug off the expectations.


Churlita said...

Oh my gawd. I hope you're okay and that you heal quickly.

Is Australia Day like the 4th of July is here?

Claire said...

Churlita - so far so good. It's 5.30AM the next day and I had a pretty smooth night.

Australia Day is pretty much like Independence Day. We celebrate the day that Captain Arthur Phillip, Commander of the First Fleet of convict ships from Great Britain arrived at Sydney Cove in 1788. There is a lot of debate always around this. The indigenous population refer to it as "invasion day".