Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas Day

Trying to keep cool in the laundry tub.

Time to get under the sprinkler and cool off.

Under the trees in the shade was the coolest place to be.

Aside from the heat we had a wonderful day. Angie and Brett did a fantastic job. We had more turkey, ham, delicious salads and a pudding made by my mother. Yum!
Henry learned very quickly that underneath all the wrapping paper may be one big surprise for him and wanted to unwrap everyone's gifts.

Cricket was played. Bloody Marys and Champagne flowed freely. The kids played with all their new toys and had the odd argument. A late afternoon thunderstorm did little to cool things down but was still a welcome respite for a short period because the clouds blocked the sun.

We came home around 5pm. Maya retired to her room to watch a movie on her new DVD player, I went straight to the airconditioning to lie down with Henry who was so overtired he refused to go to sleep. Ben was still hungry and ate. Mad!

All in all a wonderful Christmas day.

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