Saturday, December 24, 2005

Exploding Ginger Beer

My mother has made ginger beer for Christmas. I love this stuff. She and Dad used to make it when we were kids and I can always remember it stacked up in the laundry. We were instructed not to touch it. Every now and then a small explosion could be heard as one of the bottles lost its top. Mum would grow her own "bug" and brew the stuff and then give it all away to anyone who came to visit and there'd be hardly any left for us.

I got to taste test this latest batch last night and I've got to say it's every bit as good as it was when we were kids. My mother never thinks anything she does is her best effort and before I drank any she warned me of all the things that could be wrong with it. Home Made Ginger Beer. What could be wrong??? It did a fantastic job of cooling the fire in my mouth caused by the chilli chutney personally made by my mother's neighbour who is Sri Lankan.

The ginger beer means Christmas is here!

Maya is excited because today is Christmas Eve and she can finally put the presents under the tree. We've waited until today because Henry would just destroy them. He's not been as interested in the Christmas tree as we might have thought. Aside from grabbing the occasional bauble and hurling it across the ground he really hasn't paid it much attention. My mother was worried he may totally destroy her tree. Hers is full of expensive and beautiful glass baubles. He hasn't touched it.

Maya has plans to tidy her room and the whole house and put out her santa sack and Henry's. This is the only time of year I can get her to do anything voluntarily. Without asking for money in return. I love Christmas!

Tonight we are having dinner with my mother. I have no idea how she does it but she has a three course feast planned, complete with stuffed turkey, home made cranberry sauce and pudding with sixpences hidden in it. Every night for the last two weeks she has entertained. Her feet are swollen and her back is about to break but she won't stop. She keeps saying "I love it". I personally think she's a glutton for punishment but I do think she loves every minute of christmas, having her family and loved ones close by and being able to delight them with her culinary skills.

The only wish I have is that those far away could be with us this christmas. Or that we could be with them as it's cold there and set to be 38 degrees here on Christmas day meaning we may not make it through the day. We may have melted by noon.

For those far away we wish you a Merry Christmas! We will be thinking of you all as you celebrate with family and friends and will dream of the time we can all be together.

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