Saturday, December 31, 2005

Wedding Anniversary #4

Today is our fourth wedding anniversary. It also happens to be New Years Eve. Some people have asked us if we have anything special planned. The answer is "kind of". What to do to celebrate a wedding anniversary and New Years Eve with a small kid? Anything involving too much alcohol is out so that leaves not much. Everyone knows you can't have any fun without drinking! We have a nice bottle of champagne that we plan on drinking together after Henry has gone to bed. We also plan on cooking ourselves a nice dinner, hopefully involving prawns or some other kind of delicious seafood. We had a few dozen oysters just yesterday after I discovered them on sale at the supermarket for $2 a dozen. I bought six dozen, gave two away and was disappointed that we were only left with four dozen to share between us.

My mother who is 65 is having a shindig of a party with her church group to celebrate New Years Eve and she's 65. She has more of a time of it than we do and we're just over half her age. She'll be up past midnight ringing in the New Year. We can't stay awake that long. She'll probably sleep in past midday. We'll be up at 4.30am. I don't know how she does it. She's a party animal. I'm beginning to wonder if she's turning into one of those women I saw yesterday on Dr Phil. One of those women who refuse to act their age, who go out drinking and partying with young hooligans refusing to accept that they have responsibilities like children and a husband. I guess she doesn't take her clothes off in public nor drink so much that she is even slightly drunk but still. Aren't 65 year olds supposed to go to bed early and get up early because they can't sleep? Aren't they supposed to have dinner at 5pm, watch the news at 6 and then knit for a bit before retiring for the night?

I guess she and her friends will be crowded around the piano singing Auld Lang Syne at midnight while Ben and I are sleeping soundly preparing ourselves for the onslaught of Henry at 4.30am. Waiting to hear those first words he speaks every morning....."Oh big twuck". Those words will herald in the new year. They'll be the first words we hear in 2006, the first words we'll hear as we start our fifth year of marriage.

I couldn't really imagine anything else I'd rather hear first thing on New Years Day 2006. It will mean that all is well with the world.

Happy New Year! May 2006 bring peace, happiness, good health and good fortune.

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