Sunday, December 25, 2005

Presents from abroad

Dear Grandma Mary

The gifts you sent are absolutely delightful. The T-shirts a perfect fit and very groovy. Maya is in love with the sequinned cardigan. Once again you managed to excel in the gift department. Henry will enjoy wearing his new outfit to luch today. He gave the dog a very big hug and said "awwww".

We love you
The Australians.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are all so very welcome! I'm very happy that everything fit. Wasn't sure if the "sparkly theme" was cool in AU, so I'm glad to know that Maya liked the sweater shrug. What do you think of the knitting needles? I'm sure it's hard to think about knitting anything warm with it being so hot right now, but maybe by June it will seem possible. I'm waiting to open your gift so I can do it with Jess. She is still recovering from her bout with the stomache flu. Henry looks quite content to sit in his tub with the hose! At least it's a little relief for awhile. My best wishes for a Happy New Year and a nice cool breeze! Love, Mary