Thursday, December 29, 2005

This is all we can think to do to stay cool. Other than the air conditioned shopping centres.

I don't want to go on and on about it but the heat is oppressive. It's impossible to feel cool anywhere but in air conditioning.

We took Maya to the airport yesterday morning at around 5.30am to meet her flight to Tasmania. She's gone to spend some time with her Dad. It was hot at 5.30am. Sticky, humid, unbearable. Henry has been a little unwell with conjuctivitis and a fever. Coming home to a hot and sweltering house meant cranky people all around. Despite the air conditioning in the bedroom he didn't want to sleep or rest. He's been grumpy and a little out of sorts.

We bought a new phone just the other day but had some problems with it so we thought a trip to the air conditioned shopping centre in the air conditioned car to change the problem phone may provide relief for a short time. We changed the phone but didn't want to be assaulted by the heat from outside so wandered around there for a bit to soak up as much cool air as we could.

None of us, including Henry, like shopping centres. It wasn't long before we could no longer stand the throngs of people, the overstimulation of the music and lights and sights. The heat seemed much more attractive after spending an hour or so with the bargain hunters at the post christmas sales.

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