Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Things I would tell my father this Christmas if he were here

That your grandson Sam is wearing my knee high leather boots.

Henry doesn't stop eating

Maya still has to control ALL the games

It's so hot right now and watermelon just isn't cutting it

I still hate washing dishes

Sharyn is still single

I still can't make salad dressing like you did. Or that special sauce you used to make to dip prawns into

That locking kids in a room to let them "fight it out" still doesn't work

Angie stupidly said yes to Brett

Patrick belted a goanna out of the tree with a golf stick because it was eating an oversized frog.

The mean mother still doesn't work

Alf is still in Summer Bay

We all still make too much noise when we're together. I don't think it's ever going to stop. No one has yet bought a drum to make more noise because we knew you were only joking.

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