Friday, November 11, 2005

Category 5

My poor mother! She felt the full effects of Cylcone Henry today. He was in fine form. He woke up a category 5 and pretty much stayed that way. I dropped him off around 8am and watched him get his cars, head to the door in time to see a fire engine zoom past and then climb up on the piano stool and play a few bars of mozart before I left for the peace and quiet of work. Ahhhhh, blissful quiet. I called mum an hour later and she sounded very flustered. For the first time she admitted he was "full on". In the hour he'd been there he'd managed to climb on a stool beside the TV in effort to reach the summmit which was the TV. He'd climbed on the lounge and tried to open the windows so he could fling himself outside, pulled everything off every surface that was in reach, climb on some more things, and bang on the piano some more. I think she was frazzled and it was only 9am! Fortunately he had a sleep not long after and gave her some relief from the whirlwind. When I got there this afternoon to pick him up they were no where to be seen. I just followed the trail of destruction. I got him home and he had his tucker and went straight to bed. I can only thank my mother for allowing me to enjoy the peace that is called "work".

Maya has a friend sleeping over tonight. That means I have to be the "cool" mum and not say anything embarrasing. That's hard to do. It means I can't say ANYTHING as anything I say is not cool. Apparently. Here they are after spending an afternoon taking snaps of themselves.
Of course as soon as I got home Maya introduced me to her friend and then told me not to be embarrassing. I told her I'd try but I couldn't promise anything as it was only a matter of time before I had to speak.

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