Thursday, November 24, 2005

So my new life begins..

I now have to learn how to live without committing any offences. I have twelve months to prove to the world of justice that I can behave and be an honest, law abiding citizen. Now, and I guess this is what they want, I am no longer complacent about the way I do anything. When I get in the car to drive I am mindful to never exceed the speed limit, not even by a miniscule amount. I open ALL my bags, wallets and pockets and demand that the checkout operator and door greeters of every store I enter check ALL of my belongings. I ask for an escort while I shop. I tie Henry's hands to the pram so he's unable to grab anything from the shelves. I offer to pay double for every item I purchase. I'm going to be a nervous wreck but at least in the eyes of the law I'll be a "good" girl.

I managed to get through the whole day today without committing an offence. At least not one I am aware of. We were however, almost knocked over by a woman who came very close to committing the worst offence. We were crossing the road on a "walk" sign when a woman in a BMW almost didn't stop as we crossed. She slammed on her brakes and skidded in front of us and came within inches of hitting us. Me, Henry and Isabella. We all got the fright of our lives. There was a young man in a car beside her and he was outraged. He screamed obscenties at her for several minutes.

Isabella and Henry on the city cat also affectionately known as the kittycat.

We went on to have a fantastic day. Exhausting but wonderful. John was babysitting Isabella (she's his granddaughter) and he invited Henry and I to join he and Isabella at Southbank. We decided to drive to the Regatta hotel, park there and catch the city cat across to give the kids a little adventure. It started to rain as soon as it took off. We all got drenched but Henry and Isabella thought this was hilarious. The rain had stopped by the time we reached Southbank however, we had lunch and let the kids run wild along the boardwalk. Henry couldn't believe how much space he had. He ran up and down, up and down, up and down. Watched the boats on the river amble past and had some ice cream. Heaven for him!

Exhausted but happy.

1 comment:

Carla said...

michelle that sounds like a thouroughly lovely day. i hope you enjoyed it - henry seemed to!! and good for you for not committing any offences ALL day - only 364 more days to go!! :)