Saturday, November 19, 2005

Kids are so Darn Cute

Why is it that most kids won't ask a straight question? We have Isabella (she's five) staying over tonight. She's hungry but instead of just asking for some watermelon this is what she said. Bear in mind that there was a massive slice of watermelon on the table in front of us where this conversation took place.

Bella: Do you know what I had for breakfast when I was at Straddie?
Me: Coco Pops?
Bella: Noooo (chuckles as though I have absolutely no idea about anything)
Me: Fruit Loops?
Bella: Nooooo. I had so much fruit. I had 8 apples, 5 oranges and 18 bananas. I love fruit. That's all I eat now.
Me: Well that's good because fruit is very good for you.
Bella: I don't eat anything else.
Me: Well you have to eat things other than just fruit.
Bella: Yeah but no sweeties.
Me: No. Sweeties are bad for you.
Bella: I really love watermelon (eyeing it off)
Me: We don't have any. (joking but knowing exactly what she is getting at).
Bella: Oh Look there's some there. My Dad brought it over.
Me: Would you like some?
Bella: Yes please.

It reminds me of the time my nephew came to stay. He's five also. He eats like a horse who's been denied any food for about 3 weeks. One morning after preparing him 6 meals and it wasn't even 9am I told him he couldn't possibly be hungry and I wasn't going to get him anything else to eat before 10am. I had things to get done. I wanted OUT of the kitchen. Anyway he comes to me about five minutes later and says "Aunty Shell, I'm not hungry anymore. I'm not going to ask for anything to eat until 10 o'clock. How long is it till 10 o'clock?"

Henry on the other hand seems to have gone off his food. Well at least all his good, nutritious food. He has this thing he does when he's hungry. He points to some mysterious place above the microwave oven and goes "mmm yyyuumm, nnnuuummm". Everything we give him isn't the right thing so he shakes his head and says "nup". We also have a stash of frozen yoghurt ice cream in the freezer and he sits by the freezer desperately trying to pry the child safety device off it to get in there and nab one. He can't believe we would be so cruel as to deny him the pleasure of stashing 12 of these in his tummy a day. He's not wasting away to nothing so I guess he's doing ok. He still weighs around 40 kilos. Ok that's a little overexaggerated but it sure feels like that sometimes.

We took him to the park this afternoon and I swear he thought it was the best day of his life. He was sooo excited! He ran around with his fists clenched and his arms stiffened, squealing. There was so much room to run and so much green grass. Ben did some thing where he was jumping off the stairs to the playground equipment and Henry thought this was almost as funny as me dancing to Friday Night Fever. He laughed until he fell over with tears running down his face. That kid has a wicked sense of humour. He does so many cute things. When he falls over we say "dust off your hands" and he does it. When he's in the shower we say "wash your hair" and he puts his hands on his head and starts massaging his scalp. When we ask him is he hungry he says "mmmmmm yyyyuuuumm". Any other questions he's asked he always replies with "huh?" as though he didn't hear us. He smells all the flowers he pulls off all my flowering bushes, sticks them up his nose and sniffs. He blows on his food before he eats it. He hears a siren in the distance and immediately starts his siren sounds. He hears the kookaburra's and he says "kooka". Anything with wheels is a "car". He says "hal-lo" when we go to get him out of his bed when he wakes from a nap. He tells me when he has a "pooooeee". He thinks his sister is the best thing since sliced bread. He loves his walk, but just like his mama he hates shopping.

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