Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Paw Paw = Poo Poo

Paw paw is an amazing fruit. It's one of those plants that has many health benefits when eaten but also has important biochemical properties which make it useful in pharmacuetical applications. It has a distinctive smell both before it's eaten and afterwards. Henry loves it but calls it "poo poo". This is quite appropriate because the poo poo still smells like paw paw when it comes out the other end. Funny too that a nappy rash cream is made from fermented paw paw. It smells distinctly like paw paw too but I guess that it should because that's what it's made from. Why do I tell you this? Because Henry is learning more and more words everyday. Poo and poo are just two of them. He watches our mouths as we talk and moves his lips soundlessly before attempting to say it out loud. Of course he says "bum" but most kids learn this word early. Anything to do with unmentionable body parts are generally among the first words spoken. Included in his repertoire are "car", "truck", "big truck", "walk" (pronounced qwark), "shoes", "mum", "sissy", "dad", "plane", "mmm yum", "poo poo", "bum", "poooeee" (this is how he tells me his nappy is uncomfortably full). He hasn't repeated any terrible swear words yet but I'm sure that will come. He has said "shit" though. Is this a terrible swear word? I figure that in the world of really terrible swear words this one rates pretty low. Once when I driving the car and had to slam on the brakes when a car pulled out in front of me and I said "oh shit" he repeated me. He said "ssshhhhit". It sounded more like air being released from a tyre but it was obvious that he was copying me. I guess I better start watching what I say from here on in.

He cleans his teeth too. He has his own "special" toothbrush and toothpaste. For some reason he likes to do this several times a day. I guess that's a good thing but I'm worried he'll clean them so much they'll start to disappear. If only his sister felt the same affection for her toothbrush and toothpaste. She's almost 13 and still needs to be told to clean her teeth.

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