Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Mmmmm Sleep Makes Me Happy

So today I am happy. I got to sleep in until 4.45am. Whooppee! I even greeted my darling son with something akin to undying love when he woke for allowing us the pleasure to sleep just an hour longer. I know some people think that this is way early but for us it's almost like the days before children.

Sunday morning Henry woke at 3.15am. We went for a walk at 4.15am. Normally I would think taking a walk at that hour would have the potential to kill me. Ben had stayed up late building a computer for some friends so I kindly allowed him to sleep in which is why I took Henry out of the house. It's impossible to keep him quiet. The day before he went down to bed around 3.30pm for what I thought would be a nice afternoon nap. When he hadn't woken by 6.30pm I knew he was in for the long haul. I went to bed reasonably early in anticipation of him waking up at some ungodly hour. Sure enough at 3.15 he was shaking the side of the cot impatient to get out of it and start tearing the place apart. After two cups of tea I was ready to face the world. The sun was just starting to rise, the air was still and humid and we were off. It turned out to be the most pleasant walk I have taken around this neighbourhood. There was no one around. It was so quiet and peaceful. We ventured around some streets I haven't yet been down which run along Enoggera Creek . The creek runs through a beautiful native reservoir. The birds were up fetching their breakfast and I was amazed to hear the sweet sounds of the whip bird. I had no idea they lived anywhere so close to us. They are called the whip bird because they call out to each other in a distinctive whip like sound. One is always followed by its mate who may be some distance away. They're very hard to catch a sight of however. I've never managed to be able to see one in the trees as they're quite elusive.

Henry was able to get out of his pram and run without fear of being knocked over by a soccer ball or pushbike. He ran along the path and through the dew wet grass at full speed. I wish I had taken the camera but my mind was still half asleep so there are no photos. By the time we came home he was worn out and ready to go back to bed. I should have too at this point but I was wide awake and really wanted to spend some quiet time on my own while the house slept.

Had I known he was going to go to bed early and wake at the same time yesterday morning I would have tried to get more sleep. Yesterday morning at exactly the same time he was awake and shaking the side of the cot. It was Ben's birthday. I had to go to work and so did he. How we managed I have no idea. Mum was happy though as he had two nice long naps for her. Ben had requested chicken parmigiana for dinner and although tired and grumpy I still managed to lovingly prepare this delicious dish.

Today is the day that large rallies protesting against John Howards newly proposed Industrial Relations laws are planned around the country. I thought about going but I don't think I'd cope too well with Henry in such large crowds. I've voiced my opinion in many other ways. John Howard and the Liberal Party control the Senate and the House of Representatives now meaning they can pass any laws they please. The protest rallies are obviously only that. At the end of the day that is really all that can be done. Maybe the threat of losing voters may be enough to persuade them but it's doubtful.

I might start a "ban mobile phones everywhere but in the privacy of the loo" movement. Maya's had hers three days now and I swear all conversation with her has ceased. What she does on it I have no idea but she sits pressing buttons, creating horrid sounds and seems to be totally oblivious to the world around her. Yesterday she called me from the bus to ask me if her friend could come and play. I expect part of the reason for doing this was so she could make a call on her "flip" phone and impress everyone no end. There were kids screaming in the background and making lewd comments causing Maya to spend more time screaming at the them to shutup than she did talking to me about her plans. I'm so glad I'm no longer a teenager.

1 comment:

Carla said...

oh michelle - 3.15am??? my lord, and I've been complaining about charlotte's 5am starts... sheesh. oh and down with john howard - shouldn't say things like that though should I? Under the new laws I'll probably be done for sedition!!