Sunday, November 27, 2005

It's Christmas

I love Christmas. I love that it means we put aside time to spend with family and loved ones. I love it that we take time to be thankful for what we have. I love it that we take time to reflect on what is important in our lives. I love that we get to eat enormous amounts of delicious food and play cricket in the back yard. I love the looks on the faces of our children as they wake to see what Santa has left in their sacks (yes Maya still has a santa sack). I love to watch as the kids get excited about the tree and decorations and christmas carols. What I don't love is the overcommercialisation of it. The incessant advertising of Massive Christmas Sales. Christmas is about giving but sometimes we take it too far. Our children believe that if they don't get at least 20 presents all costing the equivalent of a years wages that we don't love them enough. I don't like it that we feel the only way we can show our love and appreciation is by spending enormous amounts of hard earned cash because that is what the retail world wants us to believe. If I was in a position to be, I would be the most generous person alive. I like to believe however that if I can't be generous with my money because I have none then I can be generous with my time and understanding. Sometimes even that is hard but I try.

I am lucky enough to live in a wealthy country. I have a home to live in, food in my cupboard, clothing to wear, electricity, clean running water, and a wonderful, loving family and the world's greatest friends. I sometimes feel a little sick to my stomach at the thought that some in the world don't have the most basic of needs and we see fit to spend money on luxuries we don't need. I am also guilty of this. I love my little luxuries and I am grateful I have them.

This Christmas we will be celebrating our good fortune while we remember that there are families in this world who have nothing.

This adorable, healthy and happy child will grow to understand and appreciate his good fortune in life.

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