Sunday, November 27, 2005

I am so smart - SMRT

Today, during a violent thunder storm and while my 12 year old daughter was out shopping with my stunningly beautiful sister and my husband was out visiting, I managed to make the most perfect pumpkin, proscuitto and blue cheese risotto. I did this while Henry was playing at my feet. Or should I say remodelling the kitchen. You may think this is relatively easy. You'd be dead wrong. If you've ever cooked Risotto you'll know that it must be stirred constantly while cooking to help that yummy starch remove itself from the rice so that it will make the risotto nice and creamy and thick. You'll also know that it takes some time to do. Unless you have a 15 month old baby you won't know how hard it is to keep one hand on the spoon and swat a 15 month old baby away from your legs while feeding him Ski tropical yoghurt balls so he'll stop the whining, with the other hand.

PS: My husband thinks I'm going to sign off on every post with "By the way, my husband is a lazy bleep". I told him I wouldn't dare do that but I think I will anyway.

PPS: Sideways is a crap movie.

1 comment:

Libby said...

Agreed. Sideways is a crap movie.

PLEASE post the Risotto recipe!!! Yummo!