Friday, November 04, 2005

Michelle needs......

This one is for you Carla, ( a friend and work colleague who has her own blog). I am at work and should be dutifully sticking Air Mail stickers onto several hundred envelopes but since that's so incredibly boring I thought I'd take a break.

Carla recently tried a fun google trick. You type in your name and after it the word need, as in "Michelle needs". The following is the result of this google search.

Michelle needs your help........Apparently a North Carolina woman was left $16000 in debt after her husband left her and a terrible series of unfortunate events left her homeless, broke, depressed and without a lover. She's now seeking financial donations via the internet. I've tried every other avenue to get money but this. Maybe this is what I need to do!!!! Do you think anyone would send money to me? I doubt it.

Michelle needs her own reality TV show....I've always known this and in some ways my life is like a reality TV show but without the camera and commentary. I write a daily blog which is similar to a video diary I guess, we vote certain disgusting dinner ideas out of the house, and we have no privacy.

Michelle needs a home that can accept her limitations....I have limitations, many of them. I am limited by my need for sleep, my need to go to the bathroom alone, to have uninterrupted telephone conversations and to be able to prepare dinner without having a small child permanently attached to my legs. I can only sweep the floor up to 4 times a day because I am limited by my aching back. I can only read the truck book 20 times a day or I start dreaming of trucks. I am limited by my inability to accept that I am the only person in the house who knows what the word housework means......

And the best of all...Michelle needs to shut the @#$) up....I took offence to this. I can go on sometimes but I didn't think a website devoted to the cause was necessary, or the swearing for that matter.

I notice that nowhere there did it say "Michelle needs a holiday"

Last night while I was writing the Spaghetti Diaries Maya asked me why I didn't write anything about her (obviously she hadn't read it yet and hadn't yet realised I had written her name several times in the post). Anyone who has raised a teenage daughter or been a teenager girl themselves knows that answering such a question requires a lot of diplomatic skill. Whatever you say could be misinterpreted. If for example I were to say "But I have written about you" she would immediately retaliate with "You have not" not believing a word I say. If I were to say "well I'm just new to this and I wanted to get some stuff in here for Grandma Mary and Grandad Richard to read and I was going to devote a whole post to you soon" she would reply with "You were not". If I were to say "I have no intention of writing about you" she would say "See I knew it". Teenage girls believe you've always got it in for them. She told me I probably don't write about her because she doesn't do anything exciting anymore like dancing, getting straight A's, cute things, Art lessons.... I promise my next post will be devoted to her alone!

Anyway I am going back to sticking stickers on envelopes. It's nearly lunch time!

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